2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Walton-Verona Independent Schools

Elementary ReadingElementary Mathematics
33% Distinguished

24% Proficient
39% Distinguished

13% Proficient
Middle School ReadingMiddle School Mathematics
33% Distinguished

26% Proficient
34% Distinguished

13% Proficient
High School ReadingHigh School Mathematics
39% Distinguished

16% Proficient
28% Distinguished

11% Proficient

More information can be found on the Kentucky School Report Card (link to our district’s page).


Teachers...the application (in the File Library) is fillable PDF form. You can save the blank form but once the form is filled out you must print the form. You cannot save a form with data.

The primary fund raising event is a golf outing that is held on the first Friday in October of each year. This is held at Eagle Creek Country Club in Crittenden, Kentucky. You may participate by playing, sponsoring a hole or contributing a door prize. It is always a fun event and includes a great lunch which in the past has been provided by Outback Steak House. To receive more information on the outing contact the WV Board office or Dennis Rich via email at [email protected]. Download Registration Form

WAVE - Walton And Verona Excel!
Walton-Verona Educational Foundation, Inc.

WAVE is... A tax-exempt charitable organization recognized under the Internal Revenue Service and incorporated under Kentucky law as a non-profit organization. Created for the purpose of providing educational opportunities that will enrich the quality of education in our community.

Our Purpose is to promote the Walton-Verona Schools in a way that will better serve the students so that education becomes more meaningful for them and to invest in the schools to give an additional boost in a way the board cannot accomplish through state and local funds.

Endorsed by the Walton-Verona Board of Education. Authorized to accept, hold, administer, invest, and disburse funds and properties.

Grant History
To date approximately $100,000 in grants has been awarded to fund various projects, equipment purchases and other items.  All of these have been used to benefit the educational experience of students at the elementary, middle school or high school level.

Our Mission
The mission of the Walton-Verona Educational Foundation is to provide resources to promote and enhance the academic opportunities of the students of the Walton-Verona Independent School District so that they may enjoy a more enriched life and expand their career opportunities in order to become contributing members of our community and society in general.

Wall of Support
Alumni and Friends of Walton-Verona Schools,
Forever memorialize and individual or group with our Wall of Support bricks.
The Wall of Support is made up of engraved bricks located on the exterior of the Fitness Center in the walkway outside of the WVHS gymnasium.
The original bricks were installed in 1996. 4”x8” bricks are still available at the cost of $50 per brick. Each donor will receive a receipt for your tax deductible donation.

Board of Directors
Darren Poore - Chairman
Charolette Kemper - Secretary
Dennis Rich - Treasurer
Chris Robinson - Member
Kim Hudson – Member
Tom Alford - Member
Jeff Martin - Member
Matt Baker - Ex Officio
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