High School Counselor Secretary
Grades 9-12
Email Rachel Read
Walton-Verona ISD has been working the Kentucky Department of Education and surrounding school districts to provide online registration. Online registration can provide a more convenient and better experience for the school community and help maintain current contact information for students and their guardians.
State law requires children between the ages of 6 and 18 to attend school. Any child who becomes 5 years of age on or before August 1, is eligible for the Primary School Program(beginning with Kindergarten). Preschool is available for eligible 4 year-old children and those with disabilities beginning at age 3. A child with a disability is one who demonstrates a delay in one or more areas of development. Below is information on enrolling in preschool.
You will need the following documents in electronic form in order to complete the registration process:
Proof of Residency
Signed/Dated copy of Deed or Closing papers; or
Signed/Dated copy of Rental or Lease Agreement listing student as an occupant; or
Affidavit - If you are living with another family who owns the residence in our district, you and the person with whom you are living must meet with a School Official and complete an Affidavit.
State Issued Birth Certificate
Social Security Card (required for state-funded student scholarship program called KEES)
Kentucky immunization Certificate (EPID-230)
KY Preventative Health Care Examination (Form KDESHS002)
KY Dental Screening for School Entry (Form KDESHS005)
KY Eye Examination for School Entry (Form KDESHS004)
Court documentation for shared parenting situations
Completed Registration
You will receive a confirmation email when Walton-Verona ISD approves your completed registration. For the new families, the email will provide instructions for creating your online account you will use to access up-to-date information about your student(s).
Existing Families
Parent Portal will be used for all existing families who have other students currently enrolled in WVISD.
New Families
Registration link for families new to WVISD. Can be completed at home prior to visiting the school as you complete the first step of the process.
Preschool Screenings
If you are interested in your child attending the Walton-Verona Early Childhood Center Preschool Program visit our Preschool page here.
Out-Of-District Selection Process
The Walton-Verona Independent School District offers tuition enrollment to students living outside the district who meet the Out-Of-District enrollment criteria. Enrollment for Out-Of-District students is provided only if current staffing and physical space allow.
Admission offers are made to Out-Of-District students based on a comprehensive evaluation of their application, as set forth by the Walton-Verona Board of Education and the administration of the Walton-Verona Independent Schools. Applicants are selected following an extensive review process that evaluates school attendance, school-based behavior, academic achievement, accomplishments, and other information contained in the application. Applications are reviewed for qualifications, required test scores, and demonstrated academic and non-academic achievements. Below is a list of district-approved criteria that are considered.
Out-Of-District students, if accepted, are admitted for one (1) school year only. At the end of each school year, the superintendent/designee shall review the overall performance of the student, including, but not limited to, the student’s academics and behavior, to determine continued enrollment. The superintendent/designee shall also evaluate the course and conduct of the student and the student’s parent/custodian/guardian with the school, the Walton-Verona Independent School District, administration, and district personnel to determine the enrollment status for the following school year. “Course and conduct” in this section generally refers to any actions the district deems disruptive or harmful to the school, district, administration, school personnel, board members or students; hostile, combative conduct or communications; conduct or communications which are disrespectful, false, defamatory, misleading, threatening, endorse violence, are illegal or inappropriate.
For more information on the Out-Of-District Selection Process refer to the document below or click here and Out of District Application.
For questions regarding tuition payments, please contact the District Office at 859-485-4181 or via email: Email Tuition
Payment Amount is $2,100.00 (4 payments of $525) per student
Due Date | Payment Amount | Cumulative Amount Required |
September 15, 2024 November 15, 2024 January 15, 2025 March 15, 2025 | $525 $525 $525 $525 | $525 $1050 $1575 $2100 |

Rachel Read

Diane Schadler
Middle School Counselor Secretary
Grades 6-8
Email Diane Schadler

Amber Hedges
Intermediate School Counselor
Grades 4 and 5
Email Amber Hedges

Cindy Kopser
Elementary School Counselor Secretary
Grades K-3
Email Cindy Kopser

Caitlyn Gottshall
Preschool Director
Email Caitlyn Gottshall